When importing Information for the TV-Series "Friends" I encountered the following problem with script "IMDB.COM (TVSeries) For Rel.7": The Episodes listing (to select the episodes to be imported) stops after Season 3, Episode 7. This problem is caused by the video clips available for the following Episode 8.
Here the Script-code for extracting the episode titles from the original script: :REPEATCICLEEPISODES #FINDLINE#=<div class="filter-all filter-year#12# #ONERROR#=*STOP* #FIND#=<h3>#01# #ONERROR#=*STOP*
Problem is that (caused by the imbedded HTML-code for the video clips) the "<h3>" is no longer on the same line. I modified the above code in the following way: :REPEATCICLEEPISODES #FINDLINE#=<div class="filter-all filter-year#12# #ONERROR#=*STOP* #FIND#=has-video#01# #ONERROR#=*OK* // new by DontPanic #IF# #01#<>#00# // new by DontPanic #FINDLINE#=<h3>#01# #ONERROR#=*STOP* // new by DontPanic #ENDIF# // new by DontPanic #IF# #01#==#00# // new by DontPanic #FIND#=<h3>#01# #ONERROR#=*STOP* #ENDIF# // new by DontPanic
The so modified script solves my problem for the "Friends" TV-series.
As I am new to XMM script programming I would ask the experienced programmers here to check the modification and - if okay - integrate it in the official script.
Thank you.
Edit: A more simple - but not yet tested - solution could be to only replace the original #FIND#=<h3>#01# #ONERROR#=*STOP* by #FINDLINE#=<h3>#01# #ONERROR#=*STOP*