Here is the problem I encountered in version of XMM.
I was using the Chains Manager to create a Chain File with some of the TV Scripts that came with XMM. I was able to create the Chain File within the Chain Manager. After selecting the Add a New Script to Chain command, the Select QuickImport Script listing did not have any TV Scripts, only movie scripts. I verified that the Select QuickImport Script had the Show Script select box set to All Scripts. I did try the other settings to see if one of them would show any of the TV Scripts but none of them did. I also verified with the Script Manager that the TV Scripts were in the system and known to XMM.
So this problem is either: 1) A Bug 2) I'm doing something wrong (which is always possible) 3) Using Chains for TV Shows is not suppose to work.
If anyone can help in telling me which number this is and if it's #2, what should I be doing, I'd greatly appreciate it.