I have a brand new Dune Base and all my collection already indexed with EEM. I want to use my EMM info on my database and see the cover+titles as extracted by EEM into the dune artwork interface (which is supported by Mymovies btw).
Any good suggestion on how to achieve this ?? Any known workflow ? Thanks Carlo
Hi again, I just wanted to know if i help to implement this feature Alessio can program that into XMM? Cause I think Dune players are as famous as Popcorhour players.
For example you could make a variable comparison betwenn XMM and the format the Dune player uses. But before I tell something wrong Ale should say if and what he needs.
In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again. Hermann Hesse
Ok then let me explain how things work for Dune players. First of all it uses a file called dune_folder.txt for all folders used for indexing. It can be easily implemented I think. For its specifications I can do my best for help. http://dune-hd.com/firmware/misc/dune_folder_howto.txt But hard part is Dune players uses image files for backgrounds. Something like this must be exported for all movies.
I searched a little and found that other tools uses a template uses images and xml files to merge these images to export movie sheet. ALe can say if he can implement something like this or not. Because I like XMM and use to index my all movies and would also love to use it on my media player too.