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Posted - 17 Oct 2010 :  02:23:11  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Hi, I have bought the license a week (sort of less ago). Itīs my first license in a couple of year and that is īcause this program worth it.

I have used a lot of movie manager and this is the best ever. My congratulations to the team. I also like that as in my favourite restaurants you can see and chat with the owner, thatīs a value for me.

Well after a week I have a couple of suggestions that I feel will improve this fantastic tool:

1) When you have to select/unselect the option to import from an script, please, please, put a button tu select/unselect all of them, cause Iīm a lazy person, and when I only want one option itīs a lot of time to click each other, of course the same when I want all an there are only a couple selected.

2) In "add with text box" (Cuadro de texto en espaņol), it would be great that there was the option to update info from internet just from there and then ad to the grid (keep the option to ad, but another to update from internet and ad).

3) This I think itīs really cool, an script to download trailers from youtube, the script should search the title movie adding the keyword "trailer" and then a preview of what it finds, you select the one you like (or an option of first automatic), also a preview of the image in google not only the link, like "google image" search (a thumb may be?)

4)In the html car, a field that coul be automatically complete in the trailer import, and show it like in the forum, may be with a flash plug-in or something

The 3 a 4 I use to used them in my forme manager EAX MOVIE CATALOG.

5)Itīs my sin, Iīm lazy. Please could made that in the select script option, that if a press the letter "G" it go to the first "G" script, and again with "I", like in window and the movie grid.

Well thatīs all for now, if something came to me Iīll post


Edited by - Naxho on 17 Oct 2010 02:28:53

Alessio Viti
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9171 Posts

Posted - 17 Oct 2010 :  05:48:44  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hello Naxho!

Thank you for you support!

1)If you speak about the field to import just right click, there is a menu to select all, none, invert selection

2)If you mean the function to import from a TXT List this is not possible, I am sorry. This because the Import from TXT is born to add much titles at the same time and then import everything later

3)The script is not a problem, maybe a preview page like google images is not so easy, but I will take a look...

4)I will ask to Prinz and the other HTML Experts about this...

5)I will try to add...

Thank you!

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Posted - 17 Oct 2010 :  07:19:46  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Originally posted by Alessio Viti

Hello Naxho!

Thank you for you support!

1)If you speak about the field to import just right click, there is a menu to select all, none, invert selection

2)If you mean the function to import from a TXT List this is not possible, I am sorry. This because the Import from TXT is born to add much titles at the same time and then import everything later

3)The script is not a problem, maybe a preview page like google images is not so easy, but I will take a look...

4)I will ask to Prinz and the other HTML Experts about this...

5)I will try to add...

Thank you!


Oh my god!!! How lame am I??? I didnīt try the right click, Iīm a little embarrased about this, well, itīs never late to learn.

The others options will be very well received.

Thanks for the reply, thatīs exactly what Iīm talking about. Itīs a pleasure to be in communities like this.
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