For youre Information. In case any of you would like to test the Microsoft Windows Security tool Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET)( make sure to deaktivate Data Execution Prevention (DEP)( as it will prevent XMM from updating your database. It had a hard time finding the error on my system when XMM stopped working propperly. I got the following messages for every picture the internetupdate wanted to store to my database: 1. 53Die Datei "E:\PATH\PhotoActorsName_17...jpg" konnte nicht gefunden werden. 2. 5Der Wert null ist für stream ungültig 3. 91Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
I don't know what the error texts would be in another language, but the error numbers could be the same. 53, 5 and 91.
Perhaps this is useful for someone here. Greetings zukkara
EMET is a tool from Microsoft to increase your windows system security. It should protect against malware and viruses. It blocks some of theire accesspoints into the system. The accual technical details I can't explain, it would be better to google for them and follow the links from my first posting. Certainly there are some italien sites which explain it as well.
But running EMET, it will alter some of the ways software communicates with the system, this way malware finds less vulnerable accesspoints and it helps software to protect itself and the system. Some software has the emet features compiled into it, for other software the EMET program provides those features. But as it shows one can not activate all features for every softwareprogram. Even some Microsoft Office programs don't like them. One has to test it. On my system I configured all software going to the internet.
I started the thread here meerly as an information, in case anyone stumbles on to the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET)and by testing it prevents software from function properly. It was not meant as a recommendation to use EMET. And it is certainly not for the inexperienced user. I tried several versions of XMM and the importscripts before realising, that XMM wasn't broken, but that my EMET configuration caused the troubles. So I hope this might help some others and safes their time.