I am still fairly new to eXtreme Movie Manager, but am enjoying it.
One thing I have noticed that data downloads from IMDB can be quite time consuming, even on a 50Mb connection
I was wondering if any thought has been given to using the downloadable IMDB database files from the FTP servers, and providing an option for what can be obtained from there?
The fastest speed of the Internet is equal to the slowest speed in the link. A 50mb connection is not necessarily 50mb if it has to traverse a 2mb link anywhere between you and the destination you are going to. There is a utility called Trace Route, which is a ping type of application. It will tell you each link and its associated speed between you and your destination. All you have to do is input the destination and it will give you a hop by hop listing of all of the routers and lines and their speed. I think you'll find your 50mb link is only within you subnet class C or class B connection. Just remember the first two sentences above when ever your talking about network speeds and your expectations will be better aligned with what the Internet can deliver.
Not sure what the subnets are but I seem to be able to transfer data at 50Mbs from most places on the planet that support it, and assuming no bottlenecks. The database download from IMDB was at 50Mb from what I remember. The idea was that if the data could be interogtaed locally, it would be much faster than accessing one movie at a time at IMDB