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backup_database [2013/12/04 16:38]
aletsg created
backup_database [2013/12/19 17:01] (current)
Line 6: Line 6:
 {{:​backupdb.jpg?​direct&​500|}} {{:​backupdb.jpg?​direct&​500|}}
 +**Note:​**\\ ​
 +Keep in mind that only the Database file (*.mdb) will be proceeded. All related files like the covers will not be affected!
 +** Manually Backup**
 +To make a complete Backup including all covers and actor pics you have to follow these steps:
 +1. Open the folder where your database is located. \\ 
 +2. Select the desired database file as well as all related subfolders.\\ ​
 +3. Copy all selected files and folders to any location you want.
 +**Note:​**\\ ​
 +In a pitch opening this backup will do it, too, as well as copying everything back.
 +**For completeness** is here a list of the database and all related folders (depending on your options not every folder may exist):​\\ ​
 +[database_name].mdb\\ ​
 +[database_name]_androiddevice\\ ​
 +[database_name]_cover\\ ​
 +[database_name]_download\\ ​
 +[database_name]_mediacenterdir\\ ​
 +[database_name]_photos\\ ​
 +[database_name]_thumbs\\ ​
backup_database.1386171509.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/12/04 16:38 by aletsg