eXtreme Books Manager
Frequently Asked Questions (English)
This page in under develop, more FAQ will come soon...
- Will XBM run under windows VISTA and Windows 7?
- I have purchase a license, can I install XBM in my Desktop and Notebook?
- I have read that XBM need MS .NET Framework 2.0, can I proceed without install it?
- I receive an error "Database Not Compatible", what should I do?
- When I try to update information from internet with script, I receive an error, what's wrong?
- Will XBM run under windows VISTA and Windows
Yes, XBM is fully compatible with windows Vista. When you install the software, database and scripts files will be stored under a folder in your "Documents" folder. Remember to RUN XBM AS ADMINISTRATOR to have fully functions!!
- I have purchase a license, can I install XBM in my Desktop and Notebook?
Yes, you can install XBM in all your PCs, there are no problems about this
- I have read that XBM need MS .NET Framework 2.0, can I proceed without install it?
No, you must install the framework before proceed with installation, you can freely download here
- When I try to update information from internet with script, I receive an error, what's wrong?
You must be sure your firewall let XBM connect to internet, some firewall like Kaspersky need a special configuration.
For Kaspersky for example, you must add eXtreme Books Manager to Trusted Application.
- I Receive a "Database not compatible Error",
what should I do?
If you receive this Error Message from XBM probably your ADODB.DLL File is corrupted.
Please try to follow these steps in order to reactivate the DLL :
How to Repair MDAC 2.81 under Windows XP with SP2 - Windows Vista re-install is
similar to XP SP2
Open the folder C:\Windows\inf and locate the file mdac.inf.
Note: Your Windows folder could be named differently, e.g. C:\WinXP
Right-click the file mdac.inf and click Install.
When prompted for adcjavas.inc, point to C:\Windows\servicepackfiles\i386
Note: If you cannot
find this folder put the Windows CD into your CD drive and browse for that file.
When prompted for the file handler.reg, either point to C:\Program
Files\Common Files\System\msadc, or put the Windows XP CD in your CD-ROM
When prompted for MDACRdMe.htm, point to C:\Program Files\Common
Files\System\Ado. If it not present rename the file
MDACReadme.htm to MDACRdMe.htm.
When prompted for oledbjvs.inc, point to C:\Program Files\Common
Files\System\Ole DB.
When prompted for mssoap1.dll, point to C:\Program Files\Common
When prompted for mssoapr.dll, point to C:\Program Files\Common
Files\System\MSSoap\Binaries\Resources\1033 (or different folder).
This reinstalls/repairs MDAC 2.81 under Windows XP SP2.