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 Bugs when re-read files

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HaraldBluetooth Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 09:46:33
When you are editing a movie and choose a new movie file and delete the old path/file, and re-read this new file, the old audio track isn't replaced. The new audio track is only added, so you now have 2 audio tracks.

The new video track reads correct, but:

The framerate is f.ex. now only read as 23, where it is 23.976.
Discs isn't read and replaced.
Media Label isn't read and replaced.

On the Files tab FileSize and Media Label isn't shown/read

Couldn't you merge the audio and the video tab and continue the layout as seen on the audio tab. You could call it media. It would give you a faster and better overview.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 13 Dec 2012 : 13:32:42
Please sorry bery much, I will try to fix in the next release.

I mean: the re-read codec procedure will delete all old audio informations and replace with the new one.

Jimbob Posted - 13 Dec 2012 : 11:05:26
any news on this? still a bug...
Jimbob Posted - 23 Nov 2012 : 18:01:14
Same prob here, and thats really an annoying one!

When I re-read codec xmm is adding a second "disk"
under audio, instead of updating the old information.

And i am not able to display information like audio language in the grid...

best whishes!
HaraldBluetooth Posted - 21 Nov 2012 : 09:59:47
Alessio, it should re-read all the files, that is present in the files fields and remove all others.

If the old video track can be removed automatic, then the old non-existing audio track should too. How did you do it in XMM 7? There it was done correctly.

What about Discs, Media Label and FileSize.
Alessio Viti Posted - 21 Nov 2012 : 08:38:59

If you do this you have to clear the Audio tracks manually... this because XMM dont know which track to remove (let suppose you have more files).

About the rearrangement of the tabs, its a thing I have to do it... I don't know when right now

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