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 eXtreme Movie Manager 8, 9, 10 Forum
 Suggestions / New Features
 READ FILE should use File Info already in DB

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nehickel Posted - 31 Oct 2012 : 03:15:41
It would be nice if when using the RE-READ FILE button in the ADD/EDIT window, the software would use the file information that's in the FILE tab to find and read the file information. In my case I have ALL of my videos on local storage and because of a configuration issue, I now have to re-read all of my movies in order to get the correct movie Length. Having to continually navigate from the XMM8 Location to the location of the Movie, which is already in XMM8, is a time consuming and painful process.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alessio Viti Posted - 01 Nov 2012 : 10:49:14
This button is ofr Adding new files, this is why do not re-read codecs again...

nehickel Posted - 01 Nov 2012 : 01:01:58
Yes, I used the function but I was speaking about what happens when you use the READ FILE button for individual Movies and how it would be nice if that button used the actual location information rather than manually locating the file. I assume that the READ FILE button is there to be used.

Alessio Viti Posted - 31 Oct 2012 : 15:45:15

for such function you have to use the one in the Tools tab -> Collection Maintenance ->Movies -> Re-read codec.


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