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 change and move language and subtitle fields

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
WimYogya Posted - 06 Feb 2011 : 17:01:54
[also see my post in the BUGS section]
Logically the field ORIGINAL LANGUAGE shows the language the actors spoke.
I assume that the LANGUAGE field shows the language the audience hears - which (often) is the original one. So where to put ENGLISH, for instance? In BOTH fields? If yes (which makes sense) then let XMM do that for me, make an automatic copy. If the movie was dubbed the dubbing language should be automatically imported in the LANGUAGE field - or the user can manually overwrite the automatically imported language.

To my opinion these three fields are related and should be shown together: ORIGINAL LANGUAGE - LANGUAGE - SUBTITLES.
In the ADD/EDIT movie panel ORIGINAL LANGUAGE is in the MOVIE tab, LANGUAGE is called MEDIA LANGUAGE and can be found in the MEDIA tab, SUBTITLES are in the DETAILS tab. Not logical and especially annoying when entering info manually, because you want to do that in ONE action. So please move them all to the main MOVIE tab - and include them all three in the QUICK EDIT VIEW. And make the label names uniform.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
WimYogya Posted - 06 Feb 2011 : 20:52:25
1. Scripts sometimes put the (original) language in the ORIGINAL LANGUAGE field, sometimes in the LANGUAGE field (wich is sometimes for unclear reason named MEDIA LANGUAGE). To make it more uniform, easy editing options are necessary.
2. That means, as I understand: work to do for Ale. So, please put the fields ORIGNAL LANGUAGE + (MEDIA) LANGUAGE + SUBTITLES all three in the main MOVIE tab of the ADD/EDIT pane: lots easier for manually adding info AND to correct script filled field content.
3. I know NOTHING of HTMLing and most likely will keep it that way ;)
4. I will later dig more to customize the Quick Edit pane.

apd Posted - 06 Feb 2011 : 20:08:37
The content of those fields is filled by the script you use. Dubbed version is probably impossible to fill in automatically from IMDB; maybe german or french DVD sellers offer that info, provided that you select the proper DVD version - I've no experience on the matter.

The placement (and size) of almost all fields in the the QuickEdit pane is fully customizable, you just have to dig a little deeper: try right clicking somewhere in the pane.

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