Well, I'm not a webmaster, but I can try to look at movie_bigcover_season template too.
1. For me, simply, fixed format looks more readable.
2. Correct, if tagline contains more than one line, card looks defective, but the same happen in original movie_bigcover.
I also have problem with function which display country flags. Flags are displayed little bit too far on right. I was thinking to display movie length UNDER the flags, but it looks even worse (flags are displayed beyond the edge of table).
Because of this?:
document.all.country.insertAdjacentHTML("AfterEnd", ' <IMG src="MovieCards/flags/' + a + '.gif" border="0" alt="' +
d[i] + '" align="absmiddle" width="30" id="c_img_' + a + '" onerror="ImgError(this)">')