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Posted - 18 Jan 2013 :  06:35:13  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
1) The local path is missing from the info screen. I bet there is a way to add it real easy?

2) In Magicsearch, displaying the full path would be very helpful, especially when Magic picks up like "Gretta Garbo" as the title!

3) What is the best way to handle extra files, like interviews that are a separate MKV from the main movie? I mean, should I select the main movie title in Magicsearch for them? I guess this is a difficult issue, these are part of the movie media but I might want to rate them separate, but should not count as a title in the total title count, but should have a separate description and information, like "narration by so and so"

4) I like to listen to the actors and directors talking during movies, and I'd like a checkbox on stored movies with this available. Also helpful would be a dropdown for audio tracks that could be placed on the main info page.

5) Just curious, why not in searches? I like their ratings, seem to match mine.

Sorry if any of this is obvious, I'm pretty new to movie catalogs.

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265 Posts

Posted - 30 Jan 2013 :  23:24:54  Show Profile  Visit nehickel's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I can tell you how I deal with optional or additional video/audio files. I place all of my 'Additional' files into one common directory out side of the search path that XMM knows about and name the file(s) based upon the name of the Movie along with the type of content it is. For example the Movie 2012 has an alternate ending that's on the Blu-ray disc. I have it named "2012 - Alternate Ending.wmv"... I digitize all of my Movies... Then in the ADD/EDIT window under the trailer files, I add the file there. I keep it outside of XMM's know paths so that it does not get added as its own Movie file.

The only problem I have with this approach is that with the HTML Card I'm using ("movie_bigcover.htm"), clicking on the Trailer link causes both the local file and the Internet Trailer file to both play at the same time. I have a Bug Report in for this issue as well as a recommendation to enhance the 'Trailer' functionality and the HTML Cards so that local and remote files are listed and playable from the HTML Card.

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