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Posted - 08 Jul 2009 :  11:11:21  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
I just updated my xmm from version to the latest (
Maybe something went wrong with the update, because the old version is still on my computer (and working), and the new version can't find my old movie collection.
There was 18 movies included in the new installation (why?) that is not from my collection, that's all i can display with
I have tried with the file monitor to scan the folder with the old version, but still nothing.
Any suggestions??


4678 Posts

Posted - 08 Jul 2009 :  11:23:12  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
V7.0.3.7 is still beta... and the 18 entries are only an example db.
Due to access rights inside vista and windows 7 XMM has changed it's folder to "documents and settings/...". There both versions are working beside each other.
To load your old db you have to convert your existing database: just click on the orb top left and choose the database tools for converting. Now you can load the new created db ;)

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 08 Jul 2009 :  11:52:05  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
This would be a very simpel operation if I only could find the old database file!
In the database folder for the the old version there is only some example files, i don't know what to look for and where to search.
It's strange because the old version is as I said still working and can find the database, but it's impossible to find the actual file path in that software.
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Alessio Viti
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Posted - 08 Jul 2009 :  13:15:04  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

To know exactly where your database is located you can open the windows registery and look for that key:


Here look for DatabaseFile value.

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Posted - 08 Jul 2009 :  15:42:27  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
That solved the problem, the databasefile was called "examples.mdb" (strange name!)so I was looking at the right place.
Many thanks for your help, but I must say that the text "the conversion might take several minutes" was today's understatement, complete conversion was almost 90 minutes!
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Alessio Viti
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Posted - 08 Jul 2009 :  17:04:11  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
90 minutes?

How many entries do you have? indeed it's a lot of time!

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Posted - 09 Jul 2009 :  13:24:34  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I was wrong yesterday, the conversion was not completed.
The procedure is stopping after a few minutes and the computer hangs.
There is some error message at the bottom of the main window, a red box with a cross.
The text is not in english, but it says somting like "3704-action is not allowed when object is closed"
This happens every time I try to covert the old database, the taskmanager must be used to close the program.
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Alessio Viti
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Posted - 09 Jul 2009 :  15:29:08  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Can you please zip your old database and send it to me?

alessioviti -at-

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Posted - 09 Jul 2009 :  15:53:09  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
How big is the database?
I would create a new database and name it appropriately and then do a scan of your drive and bring all your movies into the new database via a scan.
Now Alessio might disagree with me on this, but I prefer to start fresh rather than converting an old one.
There is an old saying, GIGO which means Garbage In Garbage Out....this is a great time to start with a clean database unless it is too large.
Also you never mentioned what OS you are using...if you are using Vista and running it as admin then the database will be in the admins documents folder rather than yours...Part of the reason I suggest a fresh start :-)
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Alessio Viti
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Posted - 09 Jul 2009 :  17:06:57  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

I agree too to start a new database, I have do it with my DB

but perhaps people do not want start it again...

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Posted - 10 Jul 2009 :  15:17:02  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
To start a new database would be VERY time consuming, the old db includes more then 400 movie titles. so this is not an option.
Alessio, if I zip the db and send it to you, is it only the .mdb file you need? and what can you do with it?
A more preferable option would be to keep the old software!
And about the OS, I'm using win XP.

Edited by - Robeman on 10 Jul 2009 15:19:31
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Posted - 12 Jul 2009 :  02:35:49  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
400 titles? Mine was over 1200 and it didn't take long at all!
I simply scanned my drive and imported everything.
Are your movies on a drive or do you have to scan them in? Physically scanning them all in would be a a pain...I would export just the titles of what you currently have then and just import them (as a text file) into a new database.
Start nice and clean that way.....and you can name the database something unique so you could run both while the import\updates are going on ;-)
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Posted - 12 Jul 2009 :  21:24:28  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I'm sorry I didn't read the replies properly.
All I had in my head was to start a new db and type in all the entries manually......., that would be very time consuming!
Anyway, I have tried to do like you suggested, start a new empty db and scan for movies.
The scan can't find one single movie title on my drive, not even if I select only the xmm folder (both new and old), am I doing this wrong or what? It's getting very frustrating.
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Posted - 13 Jul 2009 :  21:31:45  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Get it to scan your entire drive for movies...If they are on your main drive, get it to scan from c:\ and if they are on a removable drive, just select that drive letter. I use several external drives for movies so for example, on my G:\ Drive (called External)I have a folder called movies and another called TV Series. so I just start my scan there and it finds them all.
I do the same for my H:\ Drive called External2.
Also make sure it doesn't search for new movies each time if you don't have the drives always connectted.
Does that help?
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