I imported some infromation from IMDB today and noticed that Actors with the same name are imported as one. When I imported the first movie the Actor was created with his WebID. The second Movie has an Actor with the same Name but the Script doesnt seem to check the WebID so it Links the existing actor to the Movie. Can this be fixed somehow?
Thank you that solved the Problem. Is it normal that it is on false after I freshly installed the Program?
Edit: sry I just double ckecked it and now when the option is set to true the actor doesnt get shown in the wrong Movie Card anymore but the IMDB script is still not creating an entry for the second actor with the same name. I tried it in a new database with just the 2 Movies newly imported. The Script creates the first actor with that name and when I import the second Movie the actor is listed in the Cast but he gets no own profile.
The function #CHECKACTOREXIST# only check for the name... as you can see you cannot check also the webid with this.... this is shy you have this problem...
Thank You for looking into it. Do you think I will need to create my Database from scratch after it is fixed or will I be able to rescan the Movies and the Programm will find the wrong actors?