This disk is not formated to play in this region error. This is happening on a few of the disks that I have saved on my hard drive. If I try to play the file from my hard drive i get this error but the disk doesnt give me any error on the same computer.
I am copying my DVD using 1 Click DVD copy to my hard drive. Then I am playing the dvd through windows media player using XMM's play button. This works with most of the movies in my colection, but I have about 10 DVD's that give me this error any time I try to play them from my hard drive. I update 1 click every time that they have an update my windows media players is up to date and I am running Windows 7 64 bit and it is up to date also.
You need to remove the copy protection with a program like the one above. This wouldn't really be a "bug" so it should really be posted in one of the other sections.....