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Posted - 20 Oct 2016 :  20:51:10  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
1. Select a movie or multiple movies in the grid
2. right click in the grid (popup menu) -> Tools -> Update all Actors of this Movie.

Your edit:
What do you mean with "Files" information? The movie files itself should be there as normal. Except that they are moved to another folder.
For me I always do the import of new movies in a bunch of 50 (when creating a new database) and set the option to take only the directlink if there is only one. Now you can set your options to ask you for a manual selection or to automatically skip movies that are not identified as unique. Last option will leave those movies as not webimported.
But I think everybody has it's own preferences of handling the import.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 21 Oct 2016 :  13:09:39  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Actors: select multiple movies and Right click does not give an option to update actors or update people. The only update options are Quick Update selected; QUS with different script; QU with default; QU with chain; Re-Update automatically; Clear all fields; Re-read codec

Files: V7 had a quickedit panel where the file names of the imported files were visible. I can find no such panel in v9. (The import process itself is just fine)

Script Language: So now I have a different problem. I happen to be in Switzerland so the overly clever IMDB script downloads foreign language titles despite saying Language: EN at the top of the options panel. How do I force it to take English text, titles etc regardless of which country I happen to be in? (Script options are set to default)

He uses statistics as a drunk uses lampposts - for support rather than illumination

Edited by - Rincewindwiz on 21 Oct 2016 13:22:16
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Posted - 21 Oct 2016 :  15:51:46  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
You don't have to be in the Actors grid but in the Database Grid/Movie Grid!

Unfortunately Ale has removed this and maybe a few other fields for some reason I don't know.

Script Language:
EN is the language of the info taken by the script. For some fields (AKA, Release Date, etc.) you can set to your native language. Have a look at the script options.
As I'm @work right now I can't say it more detailed.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 21 Oct 2016 :  16:06:09  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thanks for the effort - maybe more fun than work :-)
Actors: I was in the movies grid. Going to be hard to import actors in a movie starting from the actor!!

Files: It would be good to have it back. This software is supposed to help manage a collection of movies/audio tracks/whatever most of which have filenames and it can be really hard to track down the file if you dont know its name!!! (You can actually find it but its tedious as hell. Remember the movie id (e.g. 906); go to File manager (movies) and against id 906 you will find the path and file name saved during batch import. The design seems aimed at small collections which are mostly on line with little thought for the larger collection.

Other Fields: Yes there are a lot of fields on V7 that are not visible on v9. Its seems slightly pointless to maintain fields but not display them!!. Perhaps you could ask Ale? They don't need to appear on the pretty Details view (never use it anyway) just so long as you can view/maintain them

Script I cant see any language options in IMDB complete script but I'll look again later (when its finished importing the current batch of movies - the 'A's, estimate 18 hours to go!) Currently have turned on VPN and routing through England which will hopefully fix it.

He uses statistics as a drunk uses lampposts - for support rather than illumination

Edited by - Rincewindwiz on 21 Oct 2016 16:59:27
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Posted - 21 Oct 2016 :  17:48:17  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
And then you can't find that function?

For the missing fields - only Ale can change that.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 21 Oct 2016 :  19:07:02  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Update Actors Yes I can find that function but how, exactly was I supposed to know it was a single entry under tools (which is not even in the update section). Do you need to be a mind reader to use this software :-)??!!

Scripts Where in IMDB complete do I find a switch to tell it to use English titles even thought my IP address is in Switzerland?

Thanks for your help

He uses statistics as a drunk uses lampposts - for support rather than illumination
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Posted - 21 Oct 2016 :  19:47:58  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Well, don't you have holes in your hands? Can't you walk on water?
Yes, I have said Ale that, too. I think it was intended to keep more entries...

For IMDB - it's similar to the previous answer. You have to play a little with all those options.
Next week I have 2 days off. Maybe when I have time for I will make the language option a little more comfortable. One setting for all language specific fields instead of 3 or 4 different options.

For now:

    #SETOPTION#=#80#1[Title Import]0=Do not Take The Title|1=Import the Title, check related Put AKA Option
    #SETOPTION#=#97#1[Original Title Import]0=Do not Take Original Title|1=Import Original Title, check related Put AKA Option
    #SETOPTION#=#94#11[Put AKA to Title (Select your country!)]0=Do not read AKAS|1=France|2=Italy|3=Germany|4=Spain|5=Poland|6=Portugal|7=Norway|8=Denmark|9=Finland|10=Russia|11=International English

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 22 Oct 2016 :  09:17:38  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Only walk on water at weekends

IMDB Script - But option 94 is set to 11 - International English and yet it takes the German AKA when there is one which is hardly International English. This is because IMDB behaves differently depending on the IP address of the accessing browser?
So I set the option in the script options (change 11 to 0) As opposed to edit the script itself

Versions So is there any difference between IMDB (complete) and IMDB (fastest) other than speed? If not, why are both scripts still available?

Options: I thought there used to be an option to 'not overwrite' information already in XMM? Anyway, I cant seem to find it?

Fields I see Director is no longer displayed anywhere. A major omission and certainly more important that distributor!!

Technical question. I have a number of movies where the Director field contains rubbish (Typically text like "<a href="/name/nm0870469?ref_= etc) Is there anyway I can use MS Access to empty these fields (and only these fields) so the import will put a new value in them.
Or is it easier to do an update of all movies updating just this field using the overwrite existing value. (remembering that a full update runs at about 15 - 20 movies an hour and therefore takes about 200 hours for the database!)

In Table DirectorsLink I have a PeopleID record but the person it points to is not the text described above. But then not all movies have an entry in DirectorsLink

He uses statistics as a drunk uses lampposts - for support rather than illumination

Edited by - Rincewindwiz on 22 Oct 2016 10:21:11
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Posted - 22 Oct 2016 :  10:37:33  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Maybe there are other settings for the language... it's really a little "confuse". My own script options are set to german but I sometimes have problems to get the info correct on that.

For the fastest script I fully agree. In my eyes this one is needless.

To your technical question. I would filter those movies with broken directors and do a complete re-update with overwriting existing data.

To be true I have made a copy of the IMDB script a while ago especially for importing only persons of a movie. All other info was completely disabled (Fields to Import in the script options). That has decreased the amount of time drastically as not every block of the script is used for the import. Before that I have removed all people in the database. For the new import I have disabled filmography and people awards and set the amount of actors to 12. Quite new is the option to import the complete data for every person. For that you have to decide if you want to import these data, too. If not you only get the names of the crew. Keep in mind that the directors are a member of the crew now and the complete import option is taken from Other People instead of taken from the Actors one.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 23 Oct 2016 :  09:07:57  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thanks for this.

Scripts So I set the option not to take AKAs in the title to 0 (it was 11 as described above). Sadly I still get German titles. How can I fix this? Actually some of the title are not even German. 'Brother Bear' was imported as 'Bà¤renbrà¼der' and 'Babylon 5: The River of Souls' was imported as 'Babylon 5: Der Fluß der Seelen' - OK this is probably german with Å instead of that ss character you have.

So how do I get it to import English when I am not in England?!

Directors Yes sound plan. Hadn't appreciated you could filter on a field that is not displayed anywhere !! :-) Certainly a novel approach

File names And now we have a good example of why files names are so important. The import screwed up the Title; the Original Title was a generic value and the only way of finding out what they movie really was (episodes in a mini-series) involved looking at the file name (for which I had to get V7 running. Please speak to Ale and get this included as v7 (Panel in Quickedit)

He uses statistics as a drunk uses lampposts - for support rather than illumination

Edited by - Rincewindwiz on 23 Oct 2016 09:20:51
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Posted - 23 Oct 2016 :  10:37:30  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I will have a look tomorrow at the script if the value 11 searches for "international" and if there is needed an extra value for "english".
Maybe there are movies without this "international" and the fallback is to import the locale value.
By the way do you use the latest script release? I have thought that the german special chars already were converted correctly...

QuickView: yes I can ask Ale again but if he will change it and when...

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 23 Oct 2016 :  20:29:01  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Yes, the problem is that a value of 11 searches for "World-wide (English title)".
Unfortunately this phrase is not in every AKA section available.
I don't know what to take instead: USA (working title) or (original title) or... And is that phrase in every movie's AKA section?
XMM's settings has the option (MagicScript tab) to not overwrite the default title as you have entered it. Maybe that's a suboptimal solution.

To the language specific info: There are 2 fields (title and release date) where you have to input desired language. I think it's not worthy to make that simpler by using only one field for.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 23 Oct 2016 :  20:40:00  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Have updated everything.XMM now version

Reimported 'Prawn Sacrifice' and got 'Bauernopfer - Spiel der Kà¶nige' as the title. I think special characters might have become unfixed!!

I am doing the updates from IMDB in alphabetic order. This title thing is a real pain because it may change the first letter of the title putting it in a different Alphabetic category

Required fields on Quick Edit:
Main Screen
Director Many people are fans of a particular director and like to watch all his movies. Why can we not see it?
The Flag 'Seen' (Marked and Wanted are there but no Seen) - which is important for those who actually watch the movies in their collection
Genre (and less so sub-genre) So I want to go find an action movie to watch, how do I do that.? There is even a list of Genres you can edit - really helpful when you cant see the data! And I think I saw somewhere a feature to modify Genre (take only the first or something)
Language: of little interest to me but I would have thought this handy as well

New Tab
Files And then there needs to be a new tab for the files (unless, of course, xmm9 can only handle a single file?)

The Real Question Of course the real question is why have fields on the database that are downloaded but cannot be viewed! Its not hard with modern tools to add fields to a form so why not make all the downloaded fields visible at least in Quick Edit (which does not need to look pretty)

PLEASE NOTE Despite all the grumbling above, this is a huge improvement over v8 and I am unlikely to return to v7 (unless something unexpected turns up). For me personally there is no benefit over v7 but maybe there is for others. But enough benefit to 'pay for'2 - 3 years of hard work and user misery? I doubt it!

He uses statistics as a drunk uses lampposts - for support rather than illumination

Edited by - Rincewindwiz on 23 Oct 2016 20:51:53
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Posted - 23 Oct 2016 :  21:42:39  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
For the title: uncheck the option to overwrite the title. It's not in the script options but on the MagicScript tab of the program's options.

QuickEdit: I have sent Ale an email about. What we will do? Only Ale knows.

In my opinion release 8's interface is much "uglier" than before. All rewriting of the code was in general a good thing but to remove all those features was a bad decision. And it was released too early before the most main features were rebuilt again.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 28 Oct 2016 :  09:08:21  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thanks. I'll wait to hear about quickedit (but not hold my breath!!)

In my opinion release 8's interface is much "uglier" than before. All rewriting of the code was in general a good thing but to remove all those features was a bad decision. And it was released too early before the most main features were rebuilt again.

Ale must be modelling his approach on the Bill gates formula. W8 was a developers dream unrelated to user requirements (hence W8.1) so a bit like XMM v8! and was released too early - exactly like XMM v8!! Eventually they got it almost right with W10 - similarly XMMv9!

But I agree. V7 was clean, simple, had most of the things people needed (as opposed to thought they wanted) and all that energy on a sexier front end (which is actually not as good) is disappointing

I seem to recall posting 3 or 4 years ago that emphasis should be on making V7 work (which is tedious for Ale) rather than a redesigned GUI (which is more fun for Ale)

Hey ho. We are where we are and nearly back to something as robust as v7!!

By the Way: This forum seems to configure itself to a screen half as wide again as mine - so I have to keep scrolling left and right to read stuff. Is there anyway I (or board admin) can fix this?
Its only the individual messages/posts that do this - the list of forums and lists of messages configures correctly

He uses statistics as a drunk uses lampposts - for support rather than illumination

Edited by - Rincewindwiz on 28 Oct 2016 09:22:17
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Posted - 28 Oct 2016 :  10:37:31  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
To the screen width in forum:
I think it's related to an attached screenshot. Other topics are okay.
How to adjust? I really don't know. It's the same as I can't see any of my own attached pics in any topic.
Beside that I really don't know anything about the forum software itself to search for a reason/solution.

For the other points - I can't add anything more except that I agree.

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 30 Oct 2016 :  00:23:28  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
For the title: uncheck the option to overwrite the title. It's not in the script options but on the MagicScript tab of the program's options.

Sorry but I cant find it! The Magicscript tab only has
Chains Manager; Select Default scripts; MagicScript Editor and debugger and help

He uses statistics as a drunk uses lampposts - for support rather than illumination
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Posted - 30 Oct 2016 :  08:31:18  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Not the menu MagicScript but Main -> Files -> Options...

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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Posted - 30 Oct 2016 :  16:08:11  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
You mean the "Add values only if the field is blank" option? If so, that is ticked and magicscript has been overwriting titles (Including Original) happily!
Or is there another field?

He uses statistics as a drunk uses lampposts - for support rather than illumination
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Posted - 30 Oct 2016 :  17:03:50  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
The very next line:
Import Movie Titles (Overwrite the Default Title)

In order to achieve what is possible, you have to try the impossible over and over again.
Hermann Hesse
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